DANCE:       Yoav Ashriel

MUSIC:       Ancient Yemenite Melody

RECORD:      Dancecraft LP 123301   Side A, Band 2

FORMATION:   Solo (DO NOT HOLD HANDS) All face same direction.


FIGURE I     Arms held above head.

Meas.   Ct.

1            Step on R ft. to R side swaying to R

2            Bend R knee.  Snap fingers.

3            Step on L ft. to L side, swaying to L

4            Bend L , Snap fingers.

5-6          Step on R foot making quarter turn to the R

7            Close L ft. to R ft. bending both knees and bringing
hands down in front of chest.  Snap fingers.

8            Hold

9-12         Yemenite step to R ( Hands are down)

13-16        Yemenite step to L.



1-2          Step on R ft. to R turning slightly to R side.

3-4          Raise L leg across R leg bending R knee.  L leg
is turned out with bent knee and flexed foot. Snap
fingers.  Hands are in front of chest, elbows bent.

5-8          Repeat counts 1-4, opposite footwork, turning
slightly to L side.



1-2          Step on R ft. to R. arms straight out to sides.

3-4.         Cross L ft. over R ft. bending knees.  Hands are
crossed in front of chest.  (R hand over L hand)
Snap fingers.

5-8          Repeat counts 1-4.

9-12         Yemenite step to R. Hands down.

13-24        Repeat counts 1-12 with opposite feet to the left side.



Miami Valley Folk Dancers,  

November 4 & 5, 1972,

David Henry, Balkan Workshop

MVFD Syllabus Collection – Copyright Miami Valley Folk Dancers 2004